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As a movie lover, I am always looking for fascinating and original cinematic clips to watch on YouTube. Chris Stuckmann is an editor and horror fanatic who runs Decker Shado. It's one of my favourite channels. He provides insightful analyses of current releases as well as unique interviews with key figures in movie and television. It is difficult not to feel drawn into his world through his contagious passion for cinema in every video he releases. Channel Criswell is another channel that I enjoy watching. It is managed by Ryan Jimenez, a movie enthusiast. He has a lot to offer, including polished jokes about pop culture and in-depth analysis on iconic TV episodes such as Harry Potter. This channel is a must-have for any movie lover looking to entertain and get information.

Roll of Blogs

Fans of cult classic movies
E.T. Extra-Terrestrial Film Database
Terrible Titles
Safeguards of Failing
The Bad Movies
Trailers From Hell

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